Decisions, Decisions

I just failed to make a decision. I failed to decide to save my writing regularly. I just lost about 500 words and the great start to a blog post. Failing to make a decision is making a decision. We’ve heard that before. I’m not sure I’ve fully believed it, though I have seen other […]

Headspace Please

I struggle to write. I know I’m not the only one. Writers, famous and not, have spoken of writers block and dry spells.  As a former journalist, I don’t really believe in writers block. If a writer doesn’t know what to say, it is because they’ve lost the flow or need to feed their creativity. […]

Finding peace and beauty amidst disturbance

If a writer isn’t writing, is he or she really a writer? I know I’m not the only one with this issue since coronavirus disrupted our lives. I’m one of many who have not been able to concentrate or have unstable emotions. It is to expected. We just didn’t know that we should expect grief […]

A review: My Name is Asher Lev

Be a scholar to learn how to be an artist My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok is culturally unique and enlightening as it carries the reader into the world of observant Jews. In addition, Potok shows what the life of a scholar looks like. The story starts with Asher Lev as a young […]

The Business of Writing

Say what? Writing requires creativity, which means it’s frequently lumped into the artistic pursuits. Writing also is a business activity, both for communication and as a profit-generating product. Unfortunately, writers seldom think of themselves as business owners. Most don’t pursue marketing and sales of their books in the same ways a business owner would. I […]

A little here, a little there

A time of rest and learning Not a lot of writing happening on the writing front in January. Yet, I’m grew and stretched in new ways, a lot like a kid who stops eating and physically growing as much just before he or she makes huge developmental leaps. I hope I’m about to take a […]

A sad honor

Owls mark the sign. It may feel like the dead of winter, but phrenology says spring is on the way. Where I live in the Texas, the sun’s intensity pinkens our cheeks and the backs of our necks and the first hint of green kisses a couple trees in the park. Even in the city, […]

My Writing Process

Funny memes are hitting the writing groups lately. “How do you write?” they ask a writer. The writer creates a long, tedious response. The questioner asks, “That’s the end of the book?” But the answer is, “No. That’s just one sentence. Then I move to the next sentence.” Another meme also compares writing to making […]

What now?

I am sorry to report that I have not added a new post to my blog in quite a while. Two months and 10 pounds ago, in fact. In the meantime, I finished NaNoWriMo with 50,075 words in the month of November. Not all of those words were in my novel, but all of them […]


Seems crazy to take an already busy life and stuff it to overflowing with a project so big that it encompasses writing a novel in a month. Seriously, who is crazy enough to do that? And who has time for it anyway? As it turns out, there are thousands of people who are crazy enough, […]