Another opportunity knocks

Can you hear it? How are we going to respond? Think about it. This stupid pandemic is giving us opportunities to create new habits, routines, hobbies. It is giving us the opportunity to re-create our lives into something better. What are we going to do? Are we going to whine and complain? Squander an opportunity […]

Decisions, Decisions

I just failed to make a decision. I failed to decide to save my writing regularly. I just lost about 500 words and the great start to a blog post. Failing to make a decision is making a decision. We’ve heard that before. I’m not sure I’ve fully believed it, though I have seen other […]

Ahhh, Colorado

I remember hearing George Strait sing “Baby Blue” when I was in high school. Something about those lyrics, “Blue like the Colorado skies,” always got me in the feels, as my kids would say. I didn’t really know what that meant; I had never been to Colorado. When I was researching colleges and saw that […]

Headspace Please

I struggle to write. I know I’m not the only one. Writers, famous and not, have spoken of writers block and dry spells.  As a former journalist, I don’t really believe in writers block. If a writer doesn’t know what to say, it is because they’ve lost the flow or need to feed their creativity. […]

A place to rest

My heart hurts. George Floyd. Amy Cooper. Ahmaud Arbery. Atatiana Jefferson. Botham Jean. So many others. These are just a faint scratch on the injustice of racism in America. A land supposed to be a land of the brave and the free. I have words, but honestly, the words we need to hear and the […]

Too busy for introspection?

Patience provides a running joke between my husband and I. He says I have more than he does because I homeschool the kids, and if it were up to him, he would have put them back in a formal setting years ago. On the flip side, I lose my patience, and my cool, much more […]

Classroom envy

My take on my son’s assignment My eldest sons are taking dual enrollment classes at the local community college. The 15-year-old was introduced to seven software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PhotoShop, Premier Pro, After Effects, and Animate) in his three classes this semester. His digital imaging class took him deep into PhotoShop while thoroughly teaching him […]

Chasing beauty and finding normal

Anyone who knows me knows I ain’t no city girl. Nevermind that I live 8 miles from downtown Dallas.  (That was my husband’s doing. That’s not the topic of this particular post.) One thing I’ve learned, maybe relearned, from all this “Safer At Home” and “Shelter In Place” is that I need the land. My […]

Finding peace and beauty amidst disturbance

If a writer isn’t writing, is he or she really a writer? I know I’m not the only one with this issue since coronavirus disrupted our lives. I’m one of many who have not been able to concentrate or have unstable emotions. It is to expected. We just didn’t know that we should expect grief […]

African American Museum encourages, educates

History, art, Kinsey Collection collide to create cultural masterpiece I recently had the privilege of visiting the African American Museum in Dallas, Texas, to take in the Kinsey African American History & Art Collection before it left the city. I’m disappointed that I did not visit sooner and more often. This treasure was worth more […]