My take on my son’s assignment
My eldest sons are taking dual enrollment classes at the local community college. The 15-year-old was introduced to seven software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PhotoShop, Premier Pro, After Effects, and Animate) in his three classes this semester. His digital imaging class took him deep into PhotoShop while thoroughly teaching him photography. Just watching over his shoulder and driving him around for his photo opps, I learned a ton.
I was so jealous of his final assignment. He had to take a series of eight photos around a topic of his choice. He struggled with ideas. I gave him at least 20, which helped him figure out his own. He chose cars. He did great. Here’s the mom whine, “I want to do it, too.”
So I did. I realized I have the perfect medium for sharing it, too.
For my topic, I chose trees. I chose trees because there is so much variety, and they each have a story. These trees are all within three miles of my house. There are several others I would like to include, too, but I was ready to share these. I’ll go back for the others.

My son’s final act of the semester was to critique his classmates’ work. It gave me a chance to see what other students did. That professor has a great job: She has the opportunity to see creativity blossom as well as technical skill. My son, and I, learned a lot from her. I suspect we were not the only ones.