
Seems crazy to take an already busy life and stuff it to overflowing with a project so big that it encompasses writing a novel in a month. Seriously, who is crazy enough to do that? And who has time for it anyway? As it turns out, there are thousands of people who are crazy enough, […]

Cacao and Coco

Chocolate and coconut One of the highlights of our trip to Panama was a visit to Up In The Hill Farm. Located on Isla Bastimentos, the same island as Outpost Panama, it required only a short boat ride and a 20-minute walk to the cafe. We started out in Old Town, which had a narrow […]

Outpost Panama & Bat Caves

Even after being home for almost two weeks, processing our experiences in Panama is not easy. Jumping right back into a rigorous schedule of activities did not help. Regardless, I am not sure how to break this down in fewer than five posts. I took more than 400 photos. I’m sharing the best with you. […]

Purpose in Panama

Our family traveled to the Bocas del Toro province of Panama in early August. A tropical vacation in the summer, during the rainy season? Not my preference for a vacation honestly. This was not a typical vacation. Instead it was a mission trip that we’d prayed for, saved for and planned for more than three […]

Colorado Dreams

My husband grew up in a suburb of Denver. I headed to Fort Collins for college, which is where we met. I loved living in Colorado all eight years we were there. I miss it even as I know it will never be they way I remember. But I cherish our vacations there. In 2018, […]

Consequences of Inaction

Inaction is an action. Not making a decision makes a decision. It’s easy to forget that not doing something is as much of a choice and can have as many consequences as doing something. This has been a theme that I’ve seen in four different friends’ lives this week. And then it happened in my […]

First conference

The stars on shoes struck me. They were absolutely brilliant. So much so that perhaps all large groups should consider them. You see, many writers are introverts, so a writers conference is quite the challenge for many attendees. Someone suggested the introverts who wanted to meet people and talk but didn’t want to move outside […]

7 Ways to Find Creative Time

Work. Commute. Housework. Laundry. Food. Exercise. Wash and repeat.  Our everyday lives are a great recipe for burn out. We do what we have to do, then vegetate in a stupor in front of an electronic device to recover just so we can do it again the next day. That’s why the entertainment business is […]

8 Ways to Concoct a Creative Life

Finding time and space to express our creativity is no easy feat. Culture and family dynamics during our formative years seem to have something to do with it. Even if we aren’t struggling to make ends meet, the demands on our time between careers, spouses, kids and schools can make it seem as if there […]

Purpose Provides Direction

I’ve noticed that when I, or my family, have nothing scheduled, nothing planned, nothing to do, that I seem out of sorts. It’s a conundrum because I also have the opposite problem: Too much on the schedule and not enough downtime. After too many days like that, I’m not so much out of sorts as […]