A sad honor

Owls mark the sign. It may feel like the dead of winter, but phrenology says spring is on the way. Where I live in the Texas, the sun’s intensity pinkens our cheeks and the backs of our necks and the first hint of green kisses a couple trees in the park. Even in the city, […]

My Writing Process

Funny memes are hitting the writing groups lately. “How do you write?” they ask a writer. The writer creates a long, tedious response. The questioner asks, “That’s the end of the book?” But the answer is, “No. That’s just one sentence. Then I move to the next sentence.” Another meme also compares writing to making […]

What now?

I am sorry to report that I have not added a new post to my blog in quite a while. Two months and 10 pounds ago, in fact. In the meantime, I finished NaNoWriMo with 50,075 words in the month of November. Not all of those words were in my novel, but all of them […]