Outpost Panama & Bat Caves

Even after being home for almost two weeks, processing our experiences in Panama is not easy. Jumping right back into a rigorous schedule of activities did not help. Regardless, I am not sure how to break this down in fewer than five posts. I took more than 400 photos. I’m sharing the best with you. […]

Purpose in Panama

Our family traveled to the Bocas del Toro province of Panama in early August. A tropical vacation in the summer, during the rainy season? Not my preference for a vacation honestly. This was not a typical vacation. Instead it was a mission trip that we’d prayed for, saved for and planned for more than three […]

Colorado Dreams

My husband grew up in a suburb of Denver. I headed to Fort Collins for college, which is where we met. I loved living in Colorado all eight years we were there. I miss it even as I know it will never be they way I remember. But I cherish our vacations there. In 2018, […]

Consequences of Inaction

Inaction is an action. Not making a decision makes a decision. It’s easy to forget that not doing something is as much of a choice and can have as many consequences as doing something. This has been a theme that I’ve seen in four different friends’ lives this week. And then it happened in my […]