Just Write!

I recently read Julia Cameron’s book Right to Write. If you are familiar with her name but can’t place her, she wrote The Artist’s Way. I love her writing because she not only encourages creativity but also provides concrete steps on how to be more creative, no matter your medium. She introduces writing as a […]

The Beauty of Big Bend

If there’s a place to visit, I tend to want to go. Gotta see what’s around that next corner, right? So when the opportunity came up to go camping in Big Bend National Park, I jumped. My aunt and uncle spoke volumes of the beauty of the area. But I was a kid then and […]

Four Things I Learned From My First Research Trip

1. Archivists and museum docents are worth their weight in gold, but they don’t know everything you want to know. I visited Peterborough, Ontario, to research the Peter Robinson settlers that emigrated from Ireland to the territory of Upper Canada in 1825. I visited the Peterborough Museum and Archives in hopes of gaining some idea […]

Spring Adventures

Spring treks in Texas are similar to adventures in other parts of the country, but maybe slightly more dangerous. I was just recently told that Lake Mineral Wells State Park has a proliferation of rattlesnakes. We saw none on this visit. At other state parks, copperheads, water moccasins, and alligators keep adventurers on their toes. […]


Apparently, I like to provoke people. Poke and twist, I call it. Not one to back down from conflict, I’m even known to argue ideas I don’t believe to find out what people really think and to provoke them to think through their ideas and thoughts. Having teen-age sons, I now receive this behavior, much […]

Feel the Emotion

I have many years of experience writing for newspapers and magazines or private business. Just the facts, don’t let your emotions get too involved, show don’t tell. Storytelling is not a skill I learned in J-school. I certainly did not learn how to structure anything as long as a novel. I think 3,000 words is […]